Tawheed Risalat Akhirat English Version

Two Human Faces- A Quranic Sketch
Two Human Faces- A Quranic Sketch
October 19, 2017
الدعوة إلى الله حماية المجتمع من الجاهلية۔۔۔
October 21, 2017
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This is the English translation of the book Islam ke teen Bunyadi Aqaaid which was originally written in Urdu by Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi. It focuses on three core elements of “aqeedah” (faith of Islam: Tawheed (oneness of Allah), risahalah (prophethood) and aakhirah (life hereafter). These three elements of faith serve as the very foundation upon which the entire structure of Islam stands.

Islam can basically be divided into two parts – aqeedah (or iman) and a’amaal (deeds). Aqeedah pertains to the heart whereas a’amaal pertrain of other parts of the body. In fact, deeds of a person are manifestation and reflection of his aqeedah. Aqeedah is like a seed and deeds are like its fruit. Thus aqeeda of a person must be first corrected in order to expect him to do good deeds on a consistent basis.

Ingrain and implant correct aqeedah in heats and good deeds will naturally follow – this was exactly the strategy of Prophet Mohammad (saw) in nurturing his followers. Most of the Makkan period of the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was devoted to inculcating correct aqeeda in the hearts of his followers. Once the hearts were filled with correct aqeedah following the orders of Allah and His Prophet became very easy for them.

If a Muslim is not very clear in aqeedah he can easily fall victim to many fallacies, myths, regional customs and cultural traditions which may be quite contrary to the core Islamic values and principles. On the other hand if he is clear and firm in aqeeda he will be able to protect himself from all kinds of anti-Islamic practices, persuasions and influence.

It is thus extremely important for every Muslims to acquire proper understanding of the core elements of aqeeda of Islam in order to protect himself from the influence of kufr (etheism) and shirk. This matter is more serious for those adults and children who live in a non-Muslim society

Tawheed Risalat Akhirat English Version