Economic Order in Islam
October 19, 2017
From The Depth Of The Heart In America
October 19, 2017The author has presented in this book the massage of the Quran, in general, and of Surat-al-Kahaf, in particular. Not being a commentary in the conventional essence of the Surah.
Surat-ul-Kahaf is the story of an unending struggle between the two ideologies of concepts diametrically opposed to each other. One of these is materialism denoting the primacy and objective existence of the external material world. The other one asserts the existence of realities which lie beyond the range of human perception, as, for instance, the existence of God, moral-spiritual forces and their interaction, and so forth. The Surah explains the meaning and the purpose of faith in the Ultimate Reality and warns man against leaning exclusively on observable environments, grounds and consequences which eventually lead the denial of God and His Authority.
This spirit of falsehood, deceit and artful trickery pervades modern civilization simply because it has turned its back to the over lordship of God, prophethood, unseen realities and divine revelation; decided to depend exclusively on the senses and perceptible realities; and what is more, reposed its trust in the earthly pleasures, immediate gains, power and pelf. And this is what this Surah seeks to contradict. The events recounted and the parables eluded in this chapter point to the same moral –the brevity, uncertainty and vanity of the worldly life, its traps and illusions.
Faith versus materialism the message of surat ul kahf