Faith versus materialism the message of surat ul kahf
October 19, 2017
Glory of Iqbal
October 19, 2017But what will the answer be if in this country which is bustling with life and activity one were to ask how many real men lived; men whose hearts throbbing and eyes wept for the sake of humanity; men who controlled their carnal desires and were the riders and not the mounts of this of this civilisation; who held the reins of life instead of being driven by it; who knew their creator and whose hearts were filled with love for Him and respect for mankind; who led a simple life, in harmony with nature, and were aware of true joys and genuine pleasures, who did not like tensions and conflicts in the world and hated the selfishness and greed of the politicians; who wished every country well and wanted it to prosper; who were eager to give and not to grab; why did not believe that the aim of life was only to eat, drink and be merry, but thought that there was much more pleasure in feeding the other man and going hungry themselves than in eating the most sumptuous meal; who saw gain in loss and victory in defeat; who dreamt of the reconstruction of the world and were no concerned solely with the growth and development of their own land; who wanted to see the world united, not on the transitory and artificial platform of the United Nations, but on the real and natural stage of the oneness of mankind.”
This is collection of my speeches in the United States and Canada which I visited in the summer of 1977. I went there at the invitation of Muslims Students Association, mainly to attend its Annual Conference at Bloomington in Indiana. After the Conference, a tour was arranged by the Association which took me to almost all the important cities and educational cultural and industrial centres of North America.
In all I addressed twenty gatherings, half of them in Arabic and half in Urdu. I had an opportunity to speak at five leading American Universities
From The Depth Of The Heart In America