Islam And Knowledge
October 19, 2017
Islam And The West
October 19, 2017This Work – The Two Contradictory Portraits – seeks to present an sketch of the earliest, ideal era of Islam, the period of the holy Prophet and his companions, in the light of belief, religious traditions and writing of the doctors of two major sects of Muslims,Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jama’at and the Ethna Ashari sects, which project two contradictory portraits of Islam and its earliest adherents. It has been left to the discretion-common sense, prudence and better judgement – of the readers to decide which of the two portrayals is upheld by the Quran as well as historians, Muslims and non-Muslims. The reader has himself to decide which of the two presentation of Islam befit the prophet held to be the most successful Messenger of God, and the religion laying a claim to show the path of godliness and virtue to all races and nations in every time clime.
Islam And The Earliest Muslims Two Conflicting Portraits