Islamic Code Of Life And Uniform Civil Code
October 19, 2017
Islamic Studies Orientalists And Muslim Scholars
October 19, 2017Originally conceived as extension lectures on the topic of the “Prophethood and prophets in the light of the Quran”, which were delivered at the Medina University, Saudi Arabia, during February-March, 1963, the original Arabic version has since seen eight reprints at Jeddah, Cairo, Damascus, Beirut, and Lucknow. The Urdu addition was also warmly received and brought out simultaneously from Lucknow and Karachi. The learned author later on revised the original Arabic text and added two more chapters which analyze the reasons of the belief in the finality of Muhammad’s prophet – a subject which elicited popular interest after the government of Pakistan declare the Ahmadis a non Muslim minority in September, 1974.
The author has discussed, in the present volume, such questions as the need of prophethood for the well-being of humanity and progress of civilization, distinctive characteristic of the messengers of God, role of divine apostles as guides and leaders of humanity, place of diving will and material resources in the success of prophetic missions besides the greatness and finality of Muhammad’s prophethood. Discussing these issues in his inimitable and thought–provoking style, the distinguished author introroduces fascinating themes and new materials which make the discussion more informative and interesting besides presenting a clear-cut view of prophethood as conceived by Islam. The eloquent exposition of intricate concepts has made the intelliligible to the western-educated persons who, not un-often find it difficult to follow the metaphysical issues explained in a religious frame of reference.
Islamic Concept Of Prophethood