Mohammad the last prophet a Model for all time
October 19, 2017
Muhammad Rasulullah the Apostle of Mercy
October 19, 2017If any present-day writer can claim to speak for Islam in its entirety, then perhaps few would come as close to do so as Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi. Known to every literate Muslim living in any part of the world through his numerous works, which have been translated into many languages, he need no introduction. His present work combines traditional scholarship with modern researches in history and displays an insight intelligence, which in the words of another noted scholar, and former Head of Department of Islamic studies Muslim University; Aligarh places it in a class by itself. “The chief characteristic of the book.” according to Akbarabadi, “is that the author combines historical objectivity with Shah Waliullah’s style which brings out the wisdom of the Shahriah in such a scientific and logical manner that every unbiased reader of the book world have no difficulty in arriving at the conclusion that this is not only the life of a great leader of mankind but also of one sent by God with a divine mission”.
This book will enable a Muslim reader to know many more facts about the origin and development of Islam in its initial stages and at the same time provide an opportunity to the non-Muslims to understand the spirit and message of Islam as exemplified by the holy prophet
Muhammad pbuh- The Last Prophet-A Model For All Time