Qadianism A Critical Study
October 19, 2017
Reconstruction Of Indian Society What Muslims Can Do
October 19, 2017Due to various reasons Qadianism is again drawing the attention of the elite and the layman alike in various parts of the world. In India, too, a good deal is being said and written about it these days. But, unfortunately, most of it is based on faulty and one-sided information.
The problem of Qadianism has assumed great importance not only for the neighbouring country of Pakistan but for entire Muslim Millat. The need was, therefore, felt for an objective study of the fundamental beliefs, practices and historical background of the new faith.
The chief merit of the present endeavour lies in the fact that the material used in it has been drawn exclusively from the speeches and writings of Mirza Gulam Ahmad, the founder of Qadianism and his trusted lieutenants. It is, as such a, work of scholarship, study and research and free from a trace of distortion, misrepresentation and prejudice.
The author, maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, is the most well-known and widely respected Muslim divine of India. He is held in high esteem throughout the Islamic World not only for his piety and devoutness but also learning and erudition. He has written about fifty books in Arabic and Urdu on subjects related to Islam and Muslims. A number of his works have also been translated in to English, French, Turkish, Persian and other languages.
Maulana Nadwi has made an intense study of Qadianism. His earlier work Qadianism: A Critical study (1965) has been acclaimed as a most thorough, unbiased and scholarly examination to the subject.
Qadianism A Critique