The role and responsibilities of muslims in the west
October 19, 2017
The World Of Islam Today
October 19, 2017The importance which stories and anecdotes occupy in the mental training and upbringing of children is not unknown. Truths that are hard to communicate through weighty books and treatises are easily brought home to a child by means of tales and fables. There is also no easier, more effective and appealing method of teaching languages. For this reason, long series of story-books are found in different languages for the education of children. Modern writers have begun to produce such series in the Islamic countries as well, but, unfortunately, these efforts are devoid of religious spirit and are not representative of high moral and spiritual ideals. The need was, therefore, felt sorely for a new series, which, while meeting the requirements of child psychology and the latest techniques of education of the young and neo-literates, could also prove to be a suitable means for the development of Islamic spirit and consciousness and imparting moral and religious instruction.
The author has compiled a series of books in the Arabic language to fulfil this need. He so adroitly employed the new methods evolved for the teaching of languages by the experts that these books have become a most convenient vehicle for the teaching of Arabic. He has also present the incidents from the prophets’ lives and the tales associated with them so skilfully and woven into them the truths and ideals of Islam in such a wonderful manner that all the fundamentals of belief and the essential teachings of Islam have been most effectively brought in.
The Academy of Islamic Research and publications, (Lucknow) India has brought out this book in the English language to that the Islamic beliefs and doctrines like Monotheism, Apostleship and the hereafter can be taught easily to Muslim children studying in English schools, can learn and appreciate the fundamental teaching of their faith without difficulty.
The Tales Of The Prophets Part-1