From The Depth Of The Heart In America
October 19, 2017
Guidance From The Holy Quran
October 19, 2017Many people consider Iqbal to be the greatest Urdu poet of the 20th century it is possible to differ with them but few will dispute Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi’s contention that no poet has captured the imagination of his generation as powerfully as Iqbal did.
Iqbal was a poet of faith, vision and change. He enjoyed a complete mastery over the art of verse-making and his passionate eloquence and extraordinary ability to give artistic expression to philosophical ideas in his poems, whether lyrical, philosophical or metaphysical – a richness of effect that never failed to evoke a ready response in the readers.
Iqbal liked to describe himself as the “Voice of the poet of tomorrow.” His undying love for the Prophet Mohammad and earnest devotion to the cause of Islamic revival and resurgence lent a unique warmth and colour to his poems. It is mainly to his aspect of Iqbal’s poetry and philosophy that Maulana Nadwi has directed his attention though most of the themes that are peculiar to his art and though have been touched upon in this slim volume.
As Prof. Rasheed Ahmad Siddiqi remarks in his introduction, “I suppose Mauland Nadwi is the first religious scholar to have studied Iqbal with keenness and enthusiasm. Or else, theologians are generally prone to approach everything modern warily and circumspectly. The Maulana is aware of the needs and urges of the modern mind. He pays attention as well as respect to them”. This has gone a long way in making his present endeavour a work of enduring worth and significance.
Glory of Iqbal