Plain Speaking To Muslims
October 19, 2017
Presidential address conference of the AIMLB-9-10-1993- Jaipur
October 19, 2017An essential ingredient of the faith and creed, so far as Muslims are concerned, is that their personal law is creation of the same God who has revealed the Qur’an and laid down the articles of faith and practice. The Qur’an has repeatedly laid stress on it. The Muslims are thus bound to have faith in it for they would not remain a believer if they do not firmly hold this view. It also means that this law is the creation of God, All-knowing and All-Aware, who has designed man as well as the universe and knows their needs and weaknesses. He has himself said: Should He not know what he created? He is the subtle.
God is the creator of time also. It may be necessary for us to divide time into past, present and future, but for God all of it is nothing but past-that of which He knows everything.
Now, once we accept that the personal law of Muslims has been formulated by God as a universal and comprehensive code of life for a community destined to live foe ever, will not the demand to amend or alter it amount to logical contradiction or rather hypocrisy and duplicity, if the man demanding it happens to be a Muslim.
What I have stated is not a product of blind faith or religious fanaticism or else Muslim chauvinism. There are empirical evidence and rational grounds, asseverated by eastern and western scholars and unbiased jurists, as well as matter of fact manifestation of this law being comprehensive and just and capable of transcending the limitation of time and space which cannot be denied by anybody except those who are bigoted and narrow-minded. This is a subject which has been studied by many an eminent scholar who have expressed their considered opinion on it
Presidential address conference of the AIMPLB at Kanpur on march 4 and 5 1989