The Life Of Caliph Ali
October 19, 2017
The Miraculous Preachings Of The Glorious Quran
October 19, 2017I am happy to see this large gathering which has assembled to hear a talk on a subject which, in my opinion, is the burning problem of the day and must be cogitating the minds of all thinking persons. It has revived in me a new hope that the future of mankind is not beyond repair and there is no reason to be despondent about.
God is not despaired at man and His bounties and munificence are being showered on the world as before. Every drop of rain which falls from heaven on earth is symbol of His unending faith in the future of mankind.
The land, sun, moon and all other creations are perfuming their assigned function. The universe is a wonderful manifestation of the power of divine creation – look at a flower, a leaf, a blade of grass, peep into anything and you will find rare beatify and perfect order in it. But the best of all creations is man and everything else has been created to serve him. It is an indication of God’s love for mankind.
But the attitude of some of us forwards mankind suffers from apathy and indifference. An eminent poet has said that every birth of a new born child is an indication that God is not yet disappointed in man. But man appears to be disillusioned at the lack of purpose in life. He is denuded of love for fellow-men and human life is considered of no importance. Thus we unwittingly prove what the angels said when God declared His intention to create man: “And when thy lord said unto the angles: Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm and will shed blood. We hymn thy praise and sanctify thee. He said: surely I know that which ye know not.” ( Surat-ul-baqarah: 30)
God addressed the angles and said, you do not know the inherent qualities of man which I know. He has immense knowledge which the vastness of seas cannot match. He has gleam of love his bright eyes which you do not posses. He has the tenderness of heart and feels hurt at distress of others whereas you do not experience these emotions. The most precious possession with man are his qualities of love and mercy and a drop of tear which he shed when he sees an indigent man or a widow or an orphan. Etc
The Message Of Humanity