Western Civilisation Islam And Muslims
October 19, 2017
Welcome Address By Abulhasan Ali Nadwi
October 19, 2017The All-India Muslim Personal Law Board is a representative body of all the important religious, political and cultural organisation of the Indian Muslims. Being a non-political organisation it also enjoys the support of an overwhelming majority of the representatives of Muslims in various national political parties. Muslims legislators, scholars, lawyers etc., and thus it is the only organisation that can authoritatively speak for all the Indian Muslims, belonging to all sects and schools, barring, of course, a few individuals who have no following whatsoever among the Muslim masses. The board has no apologies, no excuses to offer, nor to explain away or make acceptable to others what has been laid down by the Quran and the Prophet in regards to Muslim Personal Law and what has been so consistently accepted and adhered to by the Muslims. Its stand is clear and unequivocal; no change in the Personal Law of Muslims. The presidential address delivered by Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi at the conference of All-India Muslim Personal Law Board held at Calcutta on April 6 and 7, 1985, candidly explains the Muslims’ point of view in this regard. It gives the reasons why Muslims cannot agree to any change in their Personal Law, the background as well as the reasons for not appreciating the Muslim view-point, the fine distinction between the concept of revealed law and modern legal philosophy and the unreasonableness of the demand for an uniform civil code in a way which would not only be found instructive by the Muslims but would also be appreciated by broadminded non-Muslims who want to understand the reason for reluctance of the Muslims to any Change in their Personal Law
What Muslim Personal Law Means To Muslims