Guidance From The Holy Quran
October 19, 2017
Islam An Introduction
October 19, 2017This short collection of eight lectures on the way of Inviting (People to Allah) in the light of the glorious Quran will open vistas for students and specialists alike. The Prophet Muhammad (Pease be upon him) said “the wonders of the Glorious Quran never cease”. The present book is clear proof of this tradition. Even though, not thousands, but tens of thousands of book have been written during the last fourteen hundred years, still the subject there appears new and the ayat (of the glorious Quran) have not lost their freshness.
Scholars know the importance of this call to the ‘Way to Allah’ and they are aware of the two key principles of ‘wisdom’ and ‘fair exhortation. But few realise that the glorious Quran does not leave these terms vague but lays dower broad but distinct outlines by giving examples of the ways the prophets (peace be on them all) called their peoples to Allah. There is, therefore, not need for those who invite others to Allah to borrow anything from outside.
This book is an important addition to the innumerable works on the Glorious Quran and in spite of its small size it rivals voluminous works.
Inviting To The Way Of Allah